An Unbiased View of 富贵山庄 中元节

An Unbiased View of 富贵山庄 中元节

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新加坡富贵山庄提供一站式殡仪及全方位服务公司, 包括购买 骨灰殿和神主牌等身后事服务和殡仪服务。

The data is provided by Agency 876 ( an authorised company of Nirvana Memorial Yard  ) and Company 876 shall maintain all data up-to-date, exact and correct. Company 876 tends to make no representations of warranties of any variety, express or implied, regarding the completeness, precision, reliability, suitability or availability with regard to the website or the information, products and solutions, products and services or related graphics contained in the website for almost any function.

The knowledge contained On this website is for normal viewing and information only. The data is furnished by PWM CONSULTANTS SDN BHD [an Authorised Company of Nirvana Asia] and PWM CONSULTANTS SDN BHD shall hold all info current, correct and correct, PWM CONSULTANTS SDN BHD will make no representations or warranties of any type, Categorical or implied, in regards to the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the web site or the data, products, expert services or associated graphics contained in the website for almost any intent.

【宋】苏轼 《赐新除中大夫守尚书右丞王存辞免恩命不允诏》:“夫享天下之利者,任天下之患;居天下之乐者,同天下之忧。朕非以是富贵卿也,其何以辞。”

Ancestral Pedestal has been the extremely symbol of Chinese ancestral worship that dates back to the ancient Shang Dynasty. It requires up the central place for the altar of any regular Chinese dwelling. 


新推出永久地契骨灰殿 富贵山庄与灵山寺合作,新推出了永久地契骨灰塔和神祖牌。 请访问此处以获取有关优惠和折扣的更多信息!限时优惠,尽速和我们预约!




北齐·颜之推 《颜氏家训·止足》:“汝家书生门户,世无富贵,自今仕宦不可过二千石,婚姻勿贪势家。”

终于将骨灰从马国运回新加坡 经过困难,他母亲的骨灰终于从马国运回新加坡富贵山庄。 他的母亲几个星期前突然在马国过世了。他的母亲是中国籍, …

姐弟情深 “姐弟”永远是一个甜蜜的责任,从来不是一种机会。亲情,与生俱有,源于血缘。岁月的洗礼,会显现亲情的浓淡;物欲的考验,会证明亲情的真假。 我亲眼见征这对姐弟情深, …

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